
Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Alright, I am trying something new. It is called being organized. I am so bad at this that it will take a while to do, but I refuse to have anyone tell me ever again that I have organization issues.

I am going to make sure that I get organized and stay organized. Tonight I will start with the bathroom closet, and laundry room, tomorrow I will do my bedroom, and then over the weekend I will get the rest of the house organized.

This is a goal of mine. I will be 100% organized by April 15th and will stay organized from that date on.

I am turning over new leafs in my life and am setting some goals..

1. Get organized

2. Cut grocery bill to 300.00 a month

3. exercise at least 5 days a week (which I already do most of the time)

4. Drink more water

The organization part will be the hardest, as those who know me can tell you, I am so bad at this. But with a little determination, I will meet all these goals.

Wish me luck.